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About our Athletics

  • Ruch Outdoor Community School plays in the SOMSAC league which is for the "Small Schools" in Southern Oregon.

    We offer Volleyball, Cross Country, Boys' Basketball, Girls' Basketball, and Track and Field.

  • All students that are competing must have a sports physical prior to practicing or competing. Sport Physicals are good for two years. Sports fee of $50.00 per sport (3rd sport is free) can be paid by cash, check or credit card to the office. 

  • If you are willing to help keep score, help with practices, or assist with transportation, we welcome the help. Please be sure that you have a current VIM (Volunteer in Medford Schools) form. If you are unsure if you have a current VIM form complete, please be sure to check with the office staff at 541-842-3850.

Beginning summer of 2024, the Medford School District will begin utilizing “InTouch” software for our student athletic registrations instead of Aktivate (formerly, Register My Athlete).
This new system is designed to work directly with “Synergy”, our MSD Student Information System. It will allow you to sign your student up for multiple sports, pay fees electronically (which are due by the first scheduled contest) and complete and submit all athletic paperwork and required signatures.  As with any transition, please know that there will be a learning curve for families and staff and sometimes we experience minor issues when implementing a new program. We thank you for your patience in advance.


See Instructions Below For Accessing InTouch & Registering

InTouch Parent Registration Instructions
InTouch Parent Registration Instructions - Spanish
Homeschool Families Account Sign Up
Homeschool Families Account Sign Up - Spanish